The reason I started this blog was to share not only my struggles and my success, but also how this whole process unfolded for me. This way if there is someone out there thinking about having lapband, they can use my experiences to move forward.
I had my 4th fill scheduled for last Tuesday morning. It was well overdue. I had gotten to a point where I could almost eat what I wanted and however much I wanted. But I also knew I needed to be in the right mindset to get it done. This fill was going to seriously hinder my eating. Yes, I know, this is what I paid for, but the band does NOT take away the desire for food...just the ability to eat it.
I walked in the office and was greeted with the usual smiles and gushing about how good I looked. Another plug for the Bariatric Center in Beaumont. The staff is great! I never feel like a number or like a paycheck to them. I'm a person that they want to see be successful. It's great. Dr. Dean welcomed me and then bragged on the 10 pounds I've lost since there last time in May. He even commented on my baggy jeans and told me I needed to get some new ones. Yes sir! Don't have to tell me twice. LOL!
We discussed how much to fill, 1 cc or .5. At $150/fill, I decided to go with 1 cc. I was in and out within about 15 minutes. I did ask about seeing the therapist about some of my food addiction issues. He was pleased that I acknowledged I needed some help. He said alot won't admit it and then wind up allowing the band to fail. That's not an option for me. So I will see Dr. Monk on Wednesday to discuss those issues.
Pretty simple, huh? Yep...until it all went wrong...
A couple of hours later, I started feeling kinda ick. I hadn't eaten all day and was anxious to get a protein drink, thinking that might help. I get one, and start sipping. A few minutes later, I realized it wasn't going down. It wasn't getting through the band. Not good. It came back up. I tried a couple sips of water. Nope. Back up again. I tried to wait it out, thinking I was just swollen and maybe it would stop and I would finally get something down. But after the 3rd time I threw up my own saliva, I knew it was time to call the doctor.
Ewwww...gross, right? But it's just the way it is. :shrug:
Doctor wanted me back immediately for an unfill. I got back there and they didn't have an xray tech to run the fluorscope (the big thing that takes pics of my insides), so the doc was just going to have to feel around to find my port. This was not a good idea. After about the 20th stick, he needed some help. Yay for the lidocaine that he uses to numb my stomach before sticking me. He finally found it and removed about .5 cc.
Was it worth it?? Oh heck yeah!! I'm only able to eat a few bites and then I'm full. It's been great. I've already dropped 4 pounds since Tuesday! I'm only 1 pound from 50 pounds lost. This will be a pretty major milestone for me and I can't wait! I'm so glad I made the decision to do this. And I'm even more pleased with the amount of support I've gotten. Thank you to all my family and friends for your support and excitement for me.
More than halfway to my 90 pound goal!!!