SEVENTY ONE!! Did you hear that? SEVENTY ONE! That's almost THREE Coby's!! I just can't fathom that I was carrying around that much extra weight. No wonder I was so tired and mopey. I've gone from a size 22 to a 12!! My original goal was 80 pounds gone, but now that I'm this close I see that I could go further to 90. I will really need to start adding in some exercise, I just don't know where or when. I am just going to have to MAKE myself do it. Maybe once my friend Tina passes her PT test next month, I can hire her to come over and kick my butt in to shape!
A friend of mine invited me to the Krewe of Aurora Mardi Gras ball in February. It would be like me to turn down the invitation for fear of having to find a formal and face myself in a three way mirror under fluorescent lights and being scrutinized by dress salesladies. But I've decided to treat myself for all my hard work...I will be dolling myself up in a FABULOUS dress (that I don't even have yet) and get hair done and all that fun stuff! I'm so looking forward to that fun night out.
I'm still struggling with some issues that I'll be meeting with the doc about in February. But so far, I'm very very pleased and can't believe I didn't do this ages earlier.
Thank you so much for all your support and sharing this journey with me. I love you all!!! But I'm not going anywhere. I'll be back to keep updating...this journey isn't over yet!
Picture proof that the past 365 days have been life changing!