Monday, September 27, 2010

Livng LARGE!

Thought I'd update a lil bit. I don't have much to report as far as losing tons of weight...but because of my working out, I still seem to be shrinking. I'm sure there's all sorts of biological reasons for this, but I don't know them...I just know I like it. :) I have to admit that I underestimated Curves. I had read some posts on the site about how it's boring and just doesn't do anything, blah, blah. But I gave it a try...and I really like it. I walk out of there like a wet noodle. I'm sweating and weak. The "Naomis" that are in there working out are having a grand time visiting and chatting and every now and then will look at the poor blonde grunting and dripping in sweat. I push myself...I will be successful.

I haven't had a fill since the first of May, and for the past couple of months, have really been able to eat more than I should. And if I can eat more, I will. If I didn't have these kinds of self control issues, I wouldn't have had to have this surgery. I go tomorrow to have another fill that I hope will jump start me losing again.

Went shopping this weekend, one of my favorite past times. Went to Old Navy to get some fall clothes in preparation of the cooler weather. I grabbed a cute sweater that was an XL, just as I was about to walk off I grabbed a Large...just to see. I went to the fitting room and slipped on the XL first. Hmmm...let's see how that Large fits. It fit perfectly!!

Last winter, I bought a couple of sweaters and coats from Old Navy that were all XXLs. Yes, that's TWO EXTRA LARGE. So when I realized I was going to be able to wear a Large...I was excited, thrilled, ecstatic. I wanted to tell everyone...but I restrained myself and just gushed to my mom and dad...and a friend of mine from church, Nicole, whom I bumped into while there. :) Thanks for sharing in my joy!

When Chaston got home last night, he was hanging out with me in my room while I unpacked all my new clothes. I told him that last winter I was a size XXL, and then I showed him the tag on one of my new sweaters. I held up my fist for one of our fist bump explosions (yeah, cheesey, but it's our thing), but instead I got a great big bear hug. He told me he was so proud.

I spend so much of my time being Chaston's #1 fan that I forget that he's MY #1 fan. With that kind of support, I can NOT fail.

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