I know I just posted a couple weeks ago so I won't bore you all with my band/weight struggles. Although I would like a pat on the back, a gold star, AND a high five: I haven't had fast food in TEN days! I do believe this deserves a round of applause. And I'm being serious. :)
Two years...my how time flies when you're having fun...and boy are we having fun!
I have changed over the past year. I finally faced the fact that I was suffering from severe depression and I wasn't going to come out of it without some help. I found a wonderful psychologist that I see every 2 weeks. She really challenges me. I have to tell her all the things I'm going to do for the next 2 weeks to ensure I don't get swallowed in the "Black Pit" and then I have to report to her. She has forced me to step out of my comfort zone and realize if I don't make changes, NOTHING will CHANGE.
I joined a gym (which reminds me...my membership lapsed this month and I Need to renew). I don't turn down invitations. I go out with friends and actually have FUN. I go to movies by myself. I've become addicted to all things relaxing and pampering (pedicures, massages, facials, etc). I actually TALK to my kids and play with them. I have cooked more in the past year than I have in the 2 years previously COMBINED. I wear red lipstick. I am good. Really good.
Change...change is good. And while I might pout about not being as thin as I'd like to be, still single, still struggling sometimes with life...well, you know what? I am a strong amazing woman...just like God wants me to be.
HAPPY SECOND BANDIVERSARY TO ME! And just to remind myself of what 2 years can do...

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