Saturday, May 22, 2010

I'm just sayin....

41 pounds! YIPPEE!! My minigoal was to lose 42 pounds by my birthday. Well, that was yesterday and I fell just 1 pound short. I am NOT going to beat myself up about it at all! I'm feeling grrrreat, not just physically...I feel better self esteem wise too. It's all paying off. I still get mad when I get full though. LOL!

Next week, I will be heading to Curves to start working out. This will only push me even further in my goal. I'm super excited and know that only good things are coming.

I'm just kinda using this blog to show off if you don't mind. I'm lookin kinda cute if I say so myself. ;)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Just checking in...

Nothing much to report. Down about 38 pounds, and still trucking right along. I got my third fill the other day and can really tell a difference. I usually sit and nibble on some Goldfish Crackers with Coby in the evenings...not anymore! After just a small handful, I can fill they start getting a little stuck. I knew the day would come when yummy carbs like bread, crackers, and such would be painful and out of the I am. But it's weird because it's not like that all the time. For the most part I have to be really careful how I eat. It's challenging.

When I went to get my fill this week, it was the first time to see my surgeon since the day of surgery. When I walked in, he said, "You're looking good, girl!" Now, he might say that to all his patients, but I'm taking it! LOL! And the girls fawned over me and my accessories and acted like my BFFs. Treating me as a person, rather than a number is so important through this process. They did remind me that in just 12 more pounds I will get to go get a complimentary mani, pedi, or facial at their spa. That's something to look forward to! The doctor encouraged me to start working out...something I have all the best intentions of doing...I just haven't. This is where I could list all my excuses, but they're really not good ones. I would lose so much faster and would tone up considerably. I just need to get off my hiney and do it!

Another thing the Bariatric Center is doing is having a "Clean out your closet" sale on Saturday May 22 from 9-12. This gives us a chance to sell our stuff that we've "undergrown." I have soooo much that I'm ready to part with. What's bad is all the clothes that I've either worn only once (maybe twice) or never even worn! My mom and Ashley are coming with me to help, so if nothing else, it'll be fun!

So I leave you all with this note from Coby:


***Translation: MY MOM ROCKS!
