Tuesday, December 21, 2010


So I realized I haven't updated in a couple months and thought I'd catch you up.

So back at the end of September I had the struggle with the fill and had to have half removed. Well 5 weeks later I finally went back to have some more taken out. From the day I had the fill in September to the day I had some removed in November, I lost about 22 pounds. I was ALWAYS throwing up. No matter what went in my mouth, it came back up...even water. I had several nights where I woke up choking on vomit/acid. I was borderline dehydrated. Why did I let it go on so long? Silly question...I lost almost 20 pounds! Pretty stupid, huh?

Now here I sit and wonder will there ever be a day that I don't throw up? Will I ever be able to just be normal? Or is THIS my new normal?

I miss food. Oh how stupid I feel saying that. I watch people in restaurants and on TV eating to their heart's content. And there I sit staring at the menu and thinking what will stay down?

I will probably wait til after the holidays and will go back to the doctor and see about getting more taken out.

Oh...and still not exercising. Whatever.

Weight loss to date -- 66 pounds. One month away from my "Band-versary!" :)