Saturday, June 26, 2010

Going Backwards

Soooo...I don't even know how to start. I guess it's confession time. This is why I started this blog: so I could have a place to go and vent and celebrate.

I'm falling back into some pretty bad habits. Unnecessary snacking, sneak eating, eating til it hurts...the usual. Why? I have no idea. Wait...maybe I do.

I've always said, I'm not an emotional eater. "I don't eat when I'm happy/sad/angry/stressed...I just eat b/c I like food." Well...I have to admit, I do believe I'm an emotional eater.

Over the past month, I have faced some serious stressors and even some straight up slaps to the face. I'm exhausted and spiraling into a depression. As I put the empty carton of ice cream down tonight, I just stared at it and got MAD! In about 15 minutes I ate a pint of ice cream! WHAT?!?!

What am I doing?!?! Why am I hellbent on sabotaging myself? This is RIDICULOUS! I have got to start logging my food and making good smart choices again. If there's nothing else in my life I can control...I can control what I put in my mouth.

So here I go again....gonna do this RIGHT!